My favourite treat is nutty chocolate. If you look around the supermarkets it's everywhere but usually with heaps of sugar... sweet shop windows in Florence are stacked with enticing looking organic chocolate bars that shamelessly taunt me. I have yet to see a 90% cocoa Lindt bar with any kind of reference to nuts barring the disclaimer on the back of the packaging for those with allergies.
When my mum came up from Cape Town to visit me in Florence in April we finally took things in hand and started making our own chocolate bars! It is so painlessly quick and simple that you will be wondering why you haven't done it before and soon come up with your own ways to spice up your chocolate creations. Miranda (my endlessly talented housemate) is keen to try adding coffee...
Some of the benefits of eating dark chocolate which I got from a blog called paleo leap:
- Dark chocolate is a good source of iron, magnesium, copper and manganese.
- Dark chocolate is very low in sugar.
- It can be used effectively to fill a craving for sweet foods.
- It is a source of antioxidants and can help repair free radical damage.
From the rooftops in Santo Spirito, Firenze
Sofia and Miranda
You will need:
2 pots that fit into each other to make a double boiler (pentole)
1 wooden spoon (cucchiaio)
Baking paper (carta di forno)
2 containers to pour your melted chocolate into (lunch boxes work well - square corners)
2 Lindt chocolate bars 90% cocoa (I got mine at the Lindt shop in Piazza del Duomo)
250g roasted, skinless hazelnuts (nocciole) (Conad supermarket.... but Mercato Centrale, San Lorenzo market if you can get there)
Melt the Lindt bars in a double boilers so they don't burn.
Add the hazelnuts.
Line your containers with baking paper.
Let the chocolate cool for a few minutes. Pour into your containers. It should be about 1 nut thick.
Put your containers into the fridge for 2 hours or until hard enough for you to break into rough pieces.
Snap your chocolate into bite sized pieces and store in the fridge.